
★Yuta Tabuse

Yuta Tabuse was born in 1980. He is basketball player. He began playing basketball at the age of 8. He played in Japan basketball league in 2002-03. Then he went to America to challenge at NBA. He wanted to become good at playing and level is higher in NBA. He participated in NBA summer league camp. He is the first Japanese player in NBA. Now he is playing basketball in Japanese professional league.


☆My favorite country

Two out of six students favorite country is Canada. Other students chose Italy(1),Australia(1),Hawaii(1),Egypt(1). I asked students why they like that country. Half of the students said becaus of beautiful view.
Half of the students had been to Korea. Half of the students had never been to foreign country.
I was surprised that one student chose Egypt. I didn’t expect it.
By the way I want to go Italy. There are a lot of beautiful views.


Gunpowder Plot

1. This is the photo of the Palace of Westminster in England.
2. It was taken a day after Bonfire night on November 6, 2006.