
Comparison of British Christmas and New Year with Japanese Christmas and New Year

Today, I am going to compare Japanese Christmas and New Year with British Christmas and New Year.

In Britain, Christmas Day is a holiday, but Christmas Eve is not People buy presents for friends and family and hide them until Christmas Eve. Then they put the present under the Christmas tree. People usually have parties on Christmas Eve and spend Christmas Day with their family. On Christmas, people go to church, open their present, eat Christmas lunch and watch the Queen’s speech. Christmas lunch is usually roast turkey, roast potato, vegetables, mince pies and Christmas pudding.

In Japan, Christmas Day and Christmas Eve are not holidays. People buy presents for a lover. People don’t have a party on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but people don’t go to church, or eat a Christmas cake. Christmas is not important for Japanese.

In Britain, New Year is a short holiday. Only January 1st is a holiday. People go to parties on New Year’s Eve, stay up until midnight with family and friends and celebrate New Year with champagne. Although January 2nd is not a holiday, many people stay home. There is no special food for New Year.

In Japan, New Year is a long holiday. On January 1st people go to a shrine with family. On New Year’s Eve stay up until midnight with family and celebrate New Year with buckwheat noodles.January 2nd and 3rd is a holiday, many people stay home. There is special food for New Year. Its call “Osechi” New year is important for Japanese.

In both Japan and Britain, people sepend holidays with family and friends. In Britain, people eat special food at Christmas, but in Japan, people eat special food at New Year. In Britain, people give presents at Christmas only, but in Japan, people give presents at Christmas and New Year. In Britain, Christmas is more important, but in Japan, New Year is more important.

I spent Christmas Day with my friends. We went to Namba. We ate pasta. We had a good time.
On January 1st, I celebrated with my family. We ate a special food “osechi” Then we went to shrine. January 2nd and 3rd, I worked. I was very busy.


My dog and my friend's dog

I will comrare my dog and my friend's dog. I have a dog. My dog is four years old. He is not smart. He eats very well. My parents love him. They give a lot of food. So he is fat. I’m angry them. I think they love too much him. My friend’s dog is ten years old. She has a license of the police dog. So she is very smart and pretty. I like her. I want my dog to be smarter.



I like tamagoyaki. It’s very easy cooking and delicious. First you mix two eggs, salt, sugar and soy sauce. Next you fry and roll. It’s finished. Let’s try.


The bank robbery

One day, my friend and her young brother catch the bank robber. My friend and her brother are in the bank. Her is making a deposit and cashing a check. Her handbag and her umbrella are on her arm. The boy has a drink. A man with a hat is walking in. His picture is on the bulletin board. This man walks to a window. He pulls out a gun. He shows a note that asks for money. He starts to run away. My friend hits him with her umbrella. She stops him. A policeman takes the robber away. A crowd watches. The bank director gives the woman a reward. She looks happy to get the money. Her brother also has a smile on his face. He gets the money too.


Old Boat, new Boat

On Tuesday, I read “Old Boat, New Boat”. Thos story level2 is very easy. This story is about boat. Ryan and his father put their old boat on the beach. The next morning, Tyler, David and Faye look at it. They buy many things for the boat. They repair the boat, but Ryan is watching them. They take the boat to the beach. Ryan sees the boat. He says, “That’s my boat. I want to back.” They start taking something out of the boat. Then the man comes to the beach and says “You put this boat on the beach. Then give me $200.” Ryan goes away, and they have a great boat. I like this story, because it was interesting for me.



Traditional Halloween cerebrations and customs in England and the rest of Great Britain.
On October 31th, we celebrate Halloween, thought to be the one night of the year when ghosts, witches, and fairies are especially active.
Why do we celebrate Halloween?
The easy answer to this question is that no one really knows the origins of Halloween.


Catch a Wave

Earthquake Leaves Thousands Dead or Missing in Indonesia
On Sept 30, a strong earthquake struck the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Emergency teams from Japan and other counties desperately searched for survivors under the rubble in Padang and other affected areas. But they were unable to find any survivors. A tsunami watch was triggered and there are reports of house damage and fires. Hotels in Padang have been destroyed, and communications to the city were disrupted. About 1000 people killed by earthquake.